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Since 2006, Alexander has built a successful online business through his websites. Over the years, he has refined his custom authority niche website system (Prestige Legacy) and sales funnel system (Prestige Funnel) that have helped thousands monetize their passion, earn passive income online and live the dot com lifestyle.
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From Down Under! My 10 Days Australia Holiday

As an Internet entrepreneur who has experienced much success, there are still times when I would want to just relax and take a break with the people I love. After all, that’s exactly one of the reasons why I chose to become an Internet entrepreneur, in order to be able to spend time with people and hobbies that matter the most, rather than slaving away because I need the money.

This was why I finally decided to take a much-deserved ten-day vacation to Sydney, Australia. The street-smart me planned everything in my itineraries for a smooth vacation without any worries. I even figured out how to take the public transport—bus, railway, train, and ferry—just so I could really go around and see the sights and sounds of Sydney.

My first day in Sydney was just for me to relax and prepare myself for the coming days of fun (and walking!) ahead. I checked in to the Park Regis City Center Hotel in the commercial business district of Sydney. I chose this hotel since it was conveniently located and accessible to my different destinations in Sydney. I rested a bit after my eight hour flight from Singapore, then really enjoyed myself when I went shopping at Woolworth, Sydney’s popular grocery outlet, for some bread, yoghurt, and fruit for the next day’s breakfast. Since winter was already beginning in Sydney, I was now dressed in my heat tech winter clothes and layering them to keep myself warm and toasty.

The weather was really cool the next day when I went on a cultural and historical tour. My first stop was the Sydney Opera House, where I really admired the architectural prowess involved in making it. I also took the Royal Botanical Gardens walk and enjoyed breathing in the fresh, cool, and crisp air in the gardens. After which, a young student took me on a free-guided tour around Sydney and its famous landmarks and sites, where I walked around the metro for three hours. I took lots of photos to make sure I would have a keepsake of the events. After giving the student a tip for such an excellent tour, I took a train back to my hotel.

I had to wake up early the next day—around 4:30 AM Sydney time, which is 2:30 AM Singapore time—for my Sydney Fish Market tour. I was amazing—I was able to get myself to the fish market safely and on time, despite the journey being my first time around the area, basing my trip only on a map of Sydney. I learned how the fishes that were caught would be auctioned in the morning. I saw a wide range and assortment of fish, which could sell for thousands of dollars.

After the tour, the Fish Market’s seafood stalls finally opened, and I ordered two heaping plates of fresh fish and chips, with oysters, lobster, and my favourite delicious calamari. I continued to enjoy the day by Darling Harbour, which gave me a serene and relaxing feeling, with a windy breeze and lots of seagulls!

Day four found myself taking a train in the early morning to Blue Mountains, which took two hours. Higher up on one side of the Blue Mountains is Katoomba, where the temperature is approximately eight degrees Celsius! The long trip was worth it though, and despite the cold, it was really great! My heat tech clothes withstood the cold temperature, and I was able to enjoy the beautiful and peaceful landscape in Katoomba. I checked into the Blue Mountains YHA, which is a backpackers’ hostel. Their amenities were complete, with a kitchen, living room, study room, Internet, and more!

After checking in, I joined the Katoomba Hop On and Off Explorer Tour Bus to explore the place. The scenic and idyllic natural tour was beautiful, and I was able to see the famed “Three Sisters”—three stones amid the vast mountain area. I then took the bus to a neighbouring village called Leura Village, where there were a lot of shops selling beautiful ornaments that were tasteful and classy. I just wanted to buy them all! The place would be a great place to retire—it was as if time stood still and life was simple and peaceful.

The next day, after a breakfast of cereal, toasted bread, and orange juice, I took another two-hour trip to on a coach to explore Jenolan Caves. These are one of the best and most spectacular underground caves in the world—it was definitely an adventure! This part of my trip was actually part of the YHA accommodation package I purchased back in Singapore. The tour was done by a mysterious looking old man, who made the trip feel mysterious as well! A lot of Caucasians were with us, as well as their children, and it took me one and a half hours to explore the narrow crevices and caverns of the Jenolan Caves. It was a little creepy, but I enjoyed seeing all the limestone formations and the appearance of the caves themselves. It was just spectacular!

I felt ravenous after the trek, so we had a yummy lunch of pasta and chicken wraps at the Jenolan Caves café. A coach ride back to the Blue Mountains YHA hostel came, and I continued to marvel at the beautiful Australian landscape and scenery. Australia is really blessed with pristine and beautiful nature!

The next day took me back to Sydney on a two-hour train ride, where I was relaxed by the Australian countryside. Back at Park Regis Hotel, I was again greeted by the friendly receptionists and was able to get some rest before heading on out to the Vivid Sydney Festival at Darling Harbour. The buildings were bedecked in LED lights, including the Darling Harbour bridge, as well as the Sydney Opera House. There were even fireworks and a water display to complete the show. It is definitely a must see!

Shopping was the agenda the next morning as I headed on out to Queen Victoria Building, an iconic premium shopping center. I took lots of pictures here as well, enjoying the gorgeous architecture. I walked on to the Pylon Lookout at Sydney Harbour Bridge to catch a good view of the city as well as the Sydney Opera House. After enjoying the beautiful scenic view, I caught a ferry at the Circular Quay Wharf to Manly Beach, where I had their famous fish and chips for lunch, as I was really hungry by then. It was scrumptious! I stayed for a while at the beach, lounging at the café and enjoying some drinks while watching the other people walking around. I took the twenty-minute evening ferry back, enjoying the breathtaking sunset, with the Sydney Harbour Bridge in the background. The night view on the ferry back is truly spectacular!

My first stop for the next day is Watson’s Bay, which is the oldest fishing village in Australia, accessible by ferry from Circular Quay. It was so peaceful, like Portofino, Italy, where Andrea Bocelli performed, with small yachts harbored around the bay. I then walked up to The Gap, where I saw the mountain view by the Pacific Ocean. A bus trip after found myself at Bondi beach, a beach famed for its size that could supposedly hold 32,000 people at its peak season. I took a relaxing walk along the beach called the Coastal Walk, while admiring the courageous surfers trying to catch the waves as well as allowing our minds, bodies, and souls to enjoy the relaxing and therapeutic sounds of the waves themselves, before taking the ferry back to my hotel that night.

Day nine was a day for souvenir shopping for my loved ones at Paddy Market. I toured a little some more around the commercial business district of Sydney and took photos as well as shopped for myself.

My last day in Sydney was spent enjoying great coffee at Workshop Expresso Café. I took a couple more photos before heading back to the hotel to check out, and taking the train to the International Airport for my flight back to Singapore via FlyScoot Airlines.

This holiday and vacation was definitely one of the most memorable, especially since I was able to take it with myself. It was enough to get me thinking about whether I should migrate to Australia, because of its breathtaking scenery, relaxed atmosphere, and cool weather. I would really love to live here and feel this way every day. I would love to return and stay for around three months or so, and I will probably bring my MacBook Pro to work while I stay there. My job as an Internet entrepreneur is definitely a blessing as I have the luxury of actually deciding where and when I will work. This is definitely the perfect lifestyle for myself. I hope I can continue doing this—travelling around the world while earning a steady flow of income from my successful Internet business.


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Hey! I’m Alexander and I am the founder of Online Profit Mastery. I am recognized as the authority on how to make money through the internet. I’m passionate about all things personal development, website design, sales funnel, making money online, and online businesses.